It's All About Me

My Name is SANJITA GHOSH (Shayera/शायरा).

I was born on the 8th of July 1995, in Delhi.  I belong to Calcutta. But, Born & brought up in Delhi. I Stay in Delhi with my parents. I have completed my graduation from Manav Bharati University (Solan) in the year 2015.

Professionally I'm a Business Development Manager, & Passionately I'm a WRITER ✒️(SANJITA GHOSH SHAYERA) 
I also worked as a RADIO JOCKEY  📻🎙️ in RADIO VRISHTI (June 2020- May 2021).     

WRITING ✒️ is My Passion and I love to write ✒️, that's why I have participated as a Co-author in four different anthologies  कविता अविराम - 1 (पब्लिशर - देवप्रभा प्रकाशन)जुस्तजू - AN ANTHOLOGY (PUBLISHER - The Spirit Mania) ,  Let's Speak - An Anthology (PUBLISHER - Rooh Se Publications) & TRAIT - ANTHOLOGY (PUBLISHER - Wisdom Publication). [for published poetries or articles you can click on the given link 👉🏻 PUBLISHED].

I Have done some stage performances in Open mics also (to watch my stage performances you can click here 👉🏻 STAGE PERFORMANCES). I also performed in Jk24x7 News Channel in their show Arz kiya Hai (में घनेरी रात हूं , क्यों छेड़ने लगा है मुझको मेरा ही आइना?) which telecast on television everyday @2.30pm. I have also participated in Fashion Grandeur 2022 in Miss. Category with Model Makers.

I define myself as SHAYERA, (Poet & Writer). I get inspiration from situations and day to day life. I fell in love with poetry and shayari when I fell in LOVE for the first time in 2013.

I started writing in  2013, But started I performing a little late...but still its not too late...Cause everything is decided by someone who has all the powers, that is "God"... Yes, I do believe in God & Destiny...But also I believe that if we do hard-work for our dreams then we can change our Destiny. 

I am highly influenced by poets, writer of the modern era. I especially like to write on romantic relation and on social cause. I try to learn and try to get ideas from everything. I am capable of putting my experience into words.

"पहले लिखना बस एक शौक़ था, फिर लिखने की आदत हुई, अब लिखना जैसे जुनून सा है।" 

In my life there are three important pillars, and those pillar are My Mumma , Sadu (My Best Buddy Sarvesh Bhatia) & last but not least Tanu My Bestie (Taruna Sharma), They are that much important for me, that I don't want to lose any of them.

And last but not the least I have two aims in my life, 

First:- want to buy a house for my parents, cause they deserve to be appreciated and this is the only way to appreciate them.

Second:- Fame for me & myself, So that the people according to whom I was not worthy to do anything, and who ever demotivated me for no reasons, now if they see or meet me, I want to see respect & proud in their eyes for me... 

And at last I just wanna say: 

एहसासों को शब्दों में पिरोना आता है,
आँखों में सपने संजोना आता है,
खुल के मुस्कुरा देती हूँ अपनों की खातिर,
मुझे जब कभी भी हालातों पर रोना आता है... 



